About me!

Welcome to the part of my site where you get to know about me
Hello my name is Alex and I'm a 14 year old guy from Bulgaria. I like making flash animation and gaming. I mostly sit online all day which is probably going to lead to me having to get glasses... I mean i already can't see far away and that's probably because I like sitting on my computer or phone in my dark room that my parents call a 'cave' haha... Anyways my main interest right now is TF2 so I will tell you about all of my theories and thoughts about the TF comics if given the chance so be careful when interacting with me if you don't feel like learning every detail about some random underrated comics about a game literally everyone and their mother has heard of LOL. Despite what the previous few sentences may suggest, no, I have never played TF2, because i fear talking to people and getting called bad at a videogame, because I play videya all day and I have a very fragile ego and will get mad if critisied.
And now a list of my favourite things: